DIGITALHUB.JP is a Tokyo-based, independent communications, logistics, and creative firm. In addition to professional multimedia content development, we leverage our local resources, networks, and know-how to facilitate success for foreign firms’ Japan-based endeavors.
Our clients include expanding, internationally minded Japanese companies aiming to tell their stories through globally accessible multimedia content, foreign companies creating promotional content for the Japanese market, and inbound foreign firms looking to develop their Japan-based business operations or more effectively manage their ongoing local projects.
DIGITALHUB.JP is a member of the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan (ACCJ) and holds a national license to bid on publicly-funded projects.

Stephen Karnas Jr
President, Co-Founder
LOVES: Running!
English / Japanese
英語 / 日本語
Steve is an entrepreneur with over 20 years experience in Japan, originally from New Jersey, U.S.A. In Japan, he has founded and managed multiple startup companies, as well as held a management position at GMO Internet, Inc. He is a graduate of Georgetown University and has a background primarily in the IT space. Steve is a sub-three marathoner and an Ironman survivor.

Reno J. Tibke
Creative Director, Co-Founder
クリエイティブディレクター ・ 共同創立者
LOVES: Robots!
English / Japanese
英語 / 日本語
From threading his grandfather’s Super-8 projectors as a child, in-camera VHS editing in high school, running the very first versions of Adobe Premiere on the Mac Quadra 660AV, swapping a truck for a video camera to document his first year in Japan, onward to co-founding DIGITALHUB.JP in 2016...the pattern is clear. Reno’s Japan-related experience spans more than 20 years, during which he has combined work in digital multimedia production, tech journalism, and international relations and education. Originally from the western U.S.A., he has lived in Kumamoto City, Fukuoka, and Tokyo for a combined 15 years in Japan.
祖父のスーパー8のスレッディングを始めとし、時には高校でのVHS編集、時にはMac Quadra 660AVを用いてAdobeプレミアの初期バージョンに親しみ、またある時は日本での最初の一年を記録するため車とビデオカメラを交換し、それら全ての経験を経て2016年にDIGITALHUB.JPを共同設立するに至る。 日本に関わる仕事、特にデジタルマルチメディア製作・テクノロジーに関するジャーナリズム・国際関係・教育に関する分野に携わり20年以上の経験を持つ。アメリカ合衆国西部出身。熊本、福岡、そして東京の3都市に住んで通算15年目である。

Vinod Vijayasankaran
Videography・Motion Graphics
LOVES: Laughter!
English / Malayalam / Hindi / Japanese
英語 / マラヤーラム / ヒンディー / 日本語
A multitalented director of photography, motion graphics and 3D artist, and post-production video colorist, Vinod finds great satisfaction in creating dynamic, visual stories for the screen. Originally from the South Indian state of Kerala, he completed an MBA with a minor in marketing in Delhi before relocating to Tokyo and professionally pivoting toward his long-held passion for creating visual media. Yes, he does eat curry everyday.
撮影監督、モーショングラフィックス制作、3Dグラフィックス制作、カラリストとマルチな才能を持ち、視覚にダイナミックに訴える映像の制作に情熱を注ぐ。 インド南に位置するケーララ州の出身で、首都デリーの大学にて国際ビジネスを専攻し、MBAを取得。副専攻はマーケティング。長年の目標であったメディア・映像制作に携わるべく、東京に拠点を移す。ちなみに、カレーは毎日食べているとのこと。

Mika Kume
久米 美香
Accountant・Business Advisor
LOVES: Desserts & Deserts!
Japanese / English
日本語 / 英語
Mika is an ACCA certified tax accountant, and she has served as DIGITALHUB.JP’s accountant, business advisor, and general consultant since our founding in 2016. Originally from Yokohama, her international experience includes a role at EY Singapore, living and working there for 10 years. A dedicated athlete, she has participated in the Ironman Triathlon 10 times, competed in Nepal, and has run 250km ultramarathons in the Sahara, Gobi, and Atacama deserts. In 2021, Mika plans to participate in the 250km Antarctica ultramarathon!
横浜市出身の税理士、ACCA科目合格。2016年のDigitalHubJP合同会社設立時から、税務、会計、ビジネス全般にわたり、アドバイザー、コンサルタント、会計税務顧問として携わってきた。 シンガポールに居住していた2001年からの10年間はEYシンガポールに籍を置き、アイアンマントライアスロンに10回以上完走する傍ら、砂漠への情熱を深め、サハラ、ゴビ、アタカマ砂漠の他、ネパールでそれぞれ250キロのセルフサポートのフットレースに出場、完走している。今年コロナが無事終息すれば11月に南極大陸の250キロウルトラマラソンレースに出場予定

Don Kennedy
LOVES: Skiing!
English / Japanese
英語 / 日本語
Originally from Australia, Don is a versatile, Tokyo-based creative with talents spanning videography, photography, motion graphics, and multimedia production in general. He was a founding producer and production manager for DIGINFO NEWS, one of the top-50 YouTube channels of the late-2000s. After going freelance, Don shot and produced content for large-scale events (Tokyo Motor Show) and high-end clients (Dior), in addition to filling the role of Production Manager for NAVITIME JAPAN’s inbound content production. On top of all this, Don is also a talented voiceover artist!

Natsuki Matsuzawa
松澤 奈月
Language Services・Communications
LOVES: Calligraphy!
Japanese / English
日本語 / 英語
Natsuki is an administrative and production assistant who focuses on marketing, translation, and subtitling. A graduate of the American/English Literature and Culture Department of Aoyama Gakuin University, she also studied International Relations, Multicultural Communications, and Translation in Society at the University of Westminster in London, UK. Born and raised in Nagano, she has trained as a speed-skater for 10 years.
In addition to those listed above, DIGITALHUB.JP works with a number of creative professionals across a broad range of disciplines here in Japan. Beyond our own network of skilled businesspeople and creatives, we are also members of the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan - contact us to inquire!